BAUT is a project by Jan Brokof (Drawings / Collages), Alfredo Bautista (Sound Installations / Noise Devices), Theo Boettger (Drawings / Installations), and Martin Böttger (Visual Art / Sculpture).
The concept of the project BAUT is to found a band of different ascendancies of music; combining different genre like noise, electronic, break beat, metal, punk, rap, and soundscapes. The project is supposed to involve all things, a regular music band represents plus exploring the possibilities of visual artistic expression within a showcase.
Their first exhibition was held at the gallery Delikatessenhaus Leipzig; where they created three different rooms: a festival room for the performance, a merchandise room for selling shirts and vinyl, and finally the backstage room.
Theo Boettger
Jan Brokof
Alfredo Bautista
Martin Boettger
What happens if you take four artists who had nothing to do with music so far, give them a barrel full of magazines and electro garbage and ask them to create an audiovisual work out of it. Together. As a band with bandname, livegig, labeldeal, release etc. We have checked it out and don't want to withhold the result from the world.
Their oeuvre can be best described as experimental noise. The lyrics are mostly collages of quotations from diverse magazines and newspapers which were modified and combined with own text passages.